Sunday, February 27, 2011

A New Journey

Recently, we began the licensing process again to become Foster Parents.  We were foster parents for almost 3 years, and we adopted our wonderful son, Isaiah.  We have been doing a lot of soul searching in the past 6 months, and have gone through many different phases of what we would like to do in order to grow our family of three.  We have decided to pursue fostering again, and have completed our re-licensing paperwork to open our home.  On Friday, we were re licensed and now we wait. 

We are interested in taking children ages 0-5.  We will be taking one child at a time.  Many people have asked us if we prefer a boy or a girl, but with everything we have gone through in the past 6 months, it would be hard to say.  Our hearts are open to every foster child who walks through our door.  We will love them like our own, because in our eyes, the love we give them is our own love and we love them as much as any other child.  IF one of them becomes available for adoption, we will pursue that, whether it is a boy or a girl.

Waiting has been difficult, as the last time we fostered we knew of the child before we were even licensed.  He was a 13 month old little boy who was being fostered by friends of ours.  They had adopted a sibling group of 3, and found out another baby had been born to the mother.  They agreed to foster this baby and hopefully adopt her as well.  In order to do this, they had to have the 13 month old moved to another home.  They loved him dearly, and were very sad to see him go.  The foster mother called me and asked me if we would take him.  This way she knew he was safe and sound and she could still see him.  We said yes immediately, so a day after we were licensed he came into our home.

I know God will bring us our foster child in due time.  I am very excited at the thought.  It will be a whole new ballgame this go around.  We know what to expect.  We went into it blindly last time, and we actually usually took two kids at a time! This time will be different though for many reasons.  We have Isaiah, and it will be interesting to see how it plays out with him.  He is excited to open our home to another child, and he understands that they will be staying with us while their parents get "better," because they are unable to care for their child at this time.

Last time we were licensed, we took children ages 0-2.  We usually had an infant in the house, as well as a two year old.  We have been out of the diaper and crib stage for awhile now, so if the child is young that will be another big adjustment.  

We have never taken children age 3-5.  Now, we are well versed with the 3 and 4 year old ages, heck Isaiah is now 4.  But, I have never cared for a 5 year old, and if the child is in Kindergarten, that will be a whole new ballgame to us as well.  Even the daycare the children will attend will be different, as the daycare Isaiah went to when he was a foster child is now closed.

We will be embarking on this journey and I hope to keep you up to date here.  Wish us luck!

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