On Friday November 5, we met my best friend Holly (AKA my Maid of Honor in our wedding) and her fiance Steve for dinner in Tampa. They were embarking the next day on a Carnival Cruise where they would tie the knot! We were unable to go on the cruise, so it was awesome to see them before they left. They were amazed at how big Isaiah is now...they have not seen us since our wedding, so he has grown quite a bit!!!!! It was so great to wish them well...CONGRATS GUYS!!! We went to dinner with them at one of our favorite restaurants, Bahama Breeze.

After the cruise returned our dear friends Aaron and Heather came to visit us for a few days. They had gone on the cruise for Holly's wedding, and extended their vacation to include a visit to us! They have visited us every year since we have moved to the sunshine state, and we always love having them. Isaiah also enjoyed this visit!
Here are some pics of him with Aaron and Heather. Of course, they went out of their way and spoiled Isaiah (Isaiah spoiled?!?!?! nahhhh!), and bought him a TRANSFORMER BUMBLEBEE HELMET that talks and does all sorts of cool things. He LOVES LOVES LOVES it.
One of the things that Heather and I got to do was shop. So, where did we go??? The Auburndale Flea Market. I had never been, but it was humongous, and was quite the experience to say the least!! RIGHT HEATHER?! But, above is a painting I did find, and I am so in love. We all know I collect Van Gogh paintings, and this obession was started by my darling mother and step father who purchased a huge painting of Starry Night for me as my housewarming present for my the very first apartment I lived in on my own, all by myself. Then, I added to it by purchasing a painting of the Cafe Scene, and I also have a very cool painting of a palm tree from Van Gogh which is very fitting for our home. I have been dying to get the sunflower one but have not been able to find it without it costing a fortune. Price for this?? 18$$. Who can beat that????????

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and Heather and Biggs left on Sunday. I thought my adventurous weekend (and certainly my shopping weekend) were over. But low and behold...
I was driving to get coffee with Isaiah and I saw a sign for a garage sale. I went to check it out and it was actually a woman who had closed down a shop she was selling a lot of her stuff really cheap. So I got a ton of stuff for dirt cheap, even some Christmas presents! Check it out...

It is so funny because the shelf system I got makes me think of my mom. Anyone who knew me growing up, knows that my mom always had her collectibles and dolls displayed in the living room. SO, TADA! I am my mother, lol. I am very proud of this new piece of furniture!
So, that has been live lately. More to come!
Love, Us!

It is so funny because the shelf system I got makes me think of my mom. Anyone who knew me growing up, knows that my mom always had her collectibles and dolls displayed in the living room. SO, TADA! I am my mother, lol. I am very proud of this new piece of furniture!
So, that has been live lately. More to come!
Love, Us!
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